Diagnostic procedure
At the beginning of every therapy, a personal dialogue will be conducted, followed by tongue and pulse diagnoses. Based on the conclusions drawn from the inquiry and the two traditional Chinese diagnostic methods, the therapists will establish a relevant diagnosis and decide which treatment methods to adopt accordingly.
Acupuncture is at the centre of every treatment, and will be combined with other methods such as cupping therapy and electric acupuncture based on the diagnosis.
The treatments are carried out primarily in the lying position, on the back or on the chest, and last around 45 to 60 minutes.
The duration of the whole therapy program will be determined by the therapists at the beginning of the therapy upon consideration of the seriousness and nature of the illness. In general, chronic diseases need a longer treatment period as acute ones. Depending on the clinical presentation, a lasting improvement may be achieved already after two to five sessions, whereas in other cases, a longer treatment cycle of more than 12 sessions is required. The treatments should usually be repeated over a one-week interval.
In order to avoid a feeling of uneasiness, we would like to recommend you not to come to the treatment with an empty stomach.
Your well-being and satisfaction are our utmost priorities. Therefore, please don't hesistate to contact us in case of any questions or uncertainties. We are glad to receive any feedback or suggestions, as they allow us to constantly improve our performance.
Information regarding infections risks
The use of acupuncture needles and/or cupping glasses entails no infections risks. The needles are sterile and disposable and will be discarded shortly after the treatment.
The cupping glasses will be immersed in a disinfectant solution after each treatment and constantly disinfected.