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Acupuncture is one of the most important treatment methods of the Tradition Chinese medicine. The ideas is that, the life energy Qi flows in exactly defined meridians throughout the whole body. There are plenty of points on the meridians, over which the flow of Qi can be influenced.

During the acupuncture, thin needles of different lengths will be applied at certain points along the meridians. The exact inserting locations are always in strict accordance with the symptoms and medical disorders of individual patients. The so reached stimulation acts in different ways on Qi: It can dissolve a possible blockage, strengthen the Qi flow or drain off the surplus of Qi. The insertion of the needles is normally painless.

The acupuncture can inhibit cramps and reduce the pressure within the organs and tissues. It can also stimulate the circulation system, support the blood flow, free the pressure from the tissue on the nerves and rehabilitate the damaged tissue. In this way the pain can also be alleviated. This means that acupuncture can not only successfully alleviate pains, but also activate the functions of the body.

The modern scientific research has proved, that acupuncture can improve the function of the Zangfu organs ( solid and hollow organs), strengthen the immune system, regulate the functions of the nerve systems, support the blood circulation, activate the Qi flow and sustain the balance of the internal secretion.